Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy European Day of Languages

Be sure and celebrate the many tongues of Europe today by... Wait a minute. What was I talking about? Oh yes, the European Day of Languages!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThe European Day of Languages was first proclaimed by the EU in 2001, at the end of the European Year of Languages.

They were no doubt inspired to support linguistic diversity for the same reasons I am; since I am an enthusiastic supporter of English as a universal language, in order to assuage my own guilt over assiduously undermining a layer of diversity in human culture I believe in supporting an issue like minority language rights. I figure it's the least I can do to reduce my own karma footprint.

Similarly, since the EU is looking to remove those differences that have seen most of Europe used as a battleground for the past 2000 years, it is also incumbent upon them not to assimilate Europe to the point where Belgrade is identical to Baden-Baden is identical to Birmingham.

So if you speak Gaelic or Walloon, are fluent in French or Greek or even Finnish, celebrate it. Or if you don't, enroll in classes, buy yourself a Rosetta Stone CD set, or watch a subtitled movie today; you'll be glad you did! Esto es vivire!*

*That is to say 'This is living!' in Spanish...


  1. I'm all for esperanto.

    Too bad the only thing I know is "pulmo da ferro" which means "iron lung".

    Not a chance to make a pick up line out of that!


  2. The only word I know is "vinagro" - vinegar, obviously.
