Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Craig Kielburger

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIt was the 1994 murder of Iqbal Masih which turned Canadian Craig Kielburger from a student into an activist; in 1995 Kielburger founded Free The Children, an international relief agency dedicated to ending the practice of child labour. Free The Children also builds schools and provides health care in developing nations, especially in rural areas. That he founded the organization in the first place is grounds enough for kudos... That he was only thirteen when he did is nothing short of a marvel.

In 1995 he founded Me to We, and in 1999 - still aged only 17 - he cofounded Leaders Today, a youth leadership training organization that has helped more than 350,000 young people worldwide to achieve their potential.

In 2007, at the age of only 24, Craig Kielburger was inducted into the Order of Canada for his efforts, which then amounted to half his life; by the age many people are only just figuring out what they want to become, Kielburger not only has it figured out but is an old hand at it.

The Pop Culture Institute is watching the career of this extraordinary young man with great anticipation...
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