Sunday, September 30, 2007


A change is as good as a rest, or so they say, which makes all of this a bit overdue, as I am well exhausted. Fortunately, though, it's a good exhausted; the kind of exhausted that comes from countless hours of doing what I love.

Yes, the ongoing evolution of the Pop Culture Institute proceeds apace.

Some of you regular readers will notice that I've added a poll to the top of the page, so please feel free to vote early and vote often, and thanks to Y | O | Y for putting me onto as well.

I've also added a new team member in Seumas Gagne, a frequent commenter and sounding board, as part of what I refer to as my brain trust. Over time I hope that Mr. Gagne and I will be joined here by Mr. Barr and Mr. Davey as part of my diabolical scheme to eventually conquer all media.

Introduction of a flesh-and-blood colleague lends itself to the introduction of felt-and-foam colleagues, and the much-vaunted appearance here (and on YouTube) of the Poppets has entered an exciting new phase. Mark 3 - in other words the third version of the prototype - is awaiting its facial features as we speak, putting its first appearance in these pages less than a month away now.

All of which makes for the kind of heady times I'll look back on in my old age (next year) with fond remembrance.

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Seumas Gagne said...

Oooh. I get to contribute too? Whee!

Do I like make draft posts and you edit / approve them? or What?

michael sean morris said...

Well, I consider this a formalization of the role you already play.

You already make story suggestions, some of which I've run in if there's a logical place for me to do so, and provided I have some insight to offer.

Since you already make most of the comments here, and since I can't afford to pay, I came up with that cool title: Chief of Commentary.

Obviously if anything appears here that you feel like adding to, it's always much appreciated. Besides which, your grasp of current events has mine beat, so if there's a news story you'd like to add yes, you post it as a draft and I'll find a place to fit it in and of course edit for form (links, photos, etc.) With an interesting federal election looming in your country, there should be a bit to write about in the next 13 months.

I'm hoping to pre-empt the name of Mr. Barr's proposed blog and affiliate that as well, in order to prompt some work out of him, because it's a brilliant idea. I won't do that without talking to him first, though.

Plus, all this gives my job a new dimension as editor in addition to publisher.

Another one of the pending changes I didn't mention is interviews - I'm conducting the first one is on Wednesday, to appear shortly thereafter.

I'm seriously looking at a quiz show idea I have called "Know-it-Alls" and I'd like to produce "Someone Had To Say It" if you can interest Mr. Davie in participating (again, since it's his idea and title, I wouldn't like to proceed without permission).

In addition, there are the sitcoms I've been talking about ad nauseum for the entire time you've known me, and those damn Poppets as well.

I think marriage equality and American political issues would suit you best, but also as an artist and educator you could make an invaluable contribution here. Plus, you travel more than I do, which is an obvious asset.

Seumas Gagne said...

Fabulous. I didn't mean to be presumptive, you realize.

michael sean morris said...

You know what happens when you presume... You make a pre out of su and me.

(Damn. It really works better with the word "assume", doesn't it?)