Sunday, December 05, 2010

Jascha Heifetz performs Mozart's Rondo

Again, I make no claim to being any kind of expert when it comes to classical music; I know what I like (and I like this). I also know that it's high time someone classed this joint up a bit and that I'm sure as shit not the one to do it.

The other day it was Maria Callas and a bit of opera, today it's Jascha Heifetz and his fancy fiddle. (And in answer to you longhair types out there, yes, I know it's called a violin... You see, what I was doing there is called a joke. That's something people who don't listen to a lot of classical music do.)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice classic touch!

Mozart is easy to digest with the effective virtuosso. He sure hated the women and knew how to torture his sopranos!

(No long hair here. A no.2 clip!)
