Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Still I Long For Your Kiss" by Peter Gallagher

Best known for his formidable eyebrows, actor Peter Gallagher* added a hyphenate to his job description in 2005 when he recorded Still I Long For Your Kiss, which appears on his album 7 Days In Memphis. The video also features Kelly Rowan, who played his wife on The O.C.

Unlike with the output of many actor-singers, though, this isn't a total embarrassment; indeed, an entire blog post could be dedicated to the musical efforts of Don Johnson, Jack Wagner, Bruce Willis, Eddie Murphy (and so on and so on, ads both infinitum and nauseum). Then again, I don't really feature having the Pop Culture Institute flagged as inappropriate - despite the boost it might give to my readership - so I won't bother. For now, anyway...

*Whose birthday it is, natch!

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