Sunday, April 11, 2010

"All Around The World" by Lisa Stansfield

Lisa Stansfield was a middling pop star and children's television presenter when All Around the World rocketed her to international stardom in 1989, and along with it her debut solo album Affection; with a smoky, smooth voice ideally suited to blue-eyed soul she offered a version of Cole Porter's Down in the Depths (on the tribute/charity album Red Hot + Blue) so torchy it was a threat to curtains. She also did her part to raise the roof on Wembley Stadium during her duet with George Michael on These Are the Days of Our Lives at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert.

Thanks to one of my rare relationships, I'll always have half a claim on this as being 'my song', since once upon a time it had been 'our song'; thanks as well to a thriving sense of nostalgia (which seems especially strong in these, my twilight years) the song is once again on heavy rotation in my iPod nearly 20 years after it became too painful to listen to when that adolescent love affair - as these things will - inevitably came to an end...
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