Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Your Majesty

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIn addition to the usual charitable interests expected of a Queen - namely women's and children's issues - Rania al-Abdullah is a staunch proponent of micro-finance and technology; she was herself in business, working for both Citibank and Apple Computer before marrying Jordan's King Abdullah II in June 1993. In support of her numerous charitable causes Her Majesty has traveled the globe, including much of the West.

She is also outspoken on issues related to Islam, and the role of women in society under within it, which no doubt infuriates extremist elements both in her country and abroad. Approaching the many misperceptions about Islam in a uniquely modern way - via a YouTube channel, as well as on her own personal website - Her Majesty has quickly become a major force for good in the world, helping to bridge the gap between cultures in a proactive, useful way.

All I have to say to that is: keep up the good work!
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